Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Nowadays I feel like writing and posting prayers.  A lot of prayers.  It's not that I'm especially devout. I think instead it's because I don't have a lot else to say.  I think I'm internally shifting, my grief work taking on a different shape and form.

I have a lot of prayers.  I pray them all day long.  Mostly they consist of one word.  You probably pray them too.  My favorite is this one.


and this one -

"Help help help help help help help help help!"

Sound familiar?  That one definitely did not originate with me.
I'm sure people have been praying that for a long time.

Sometimes my daily prayers are wordless.  I sit in God's eternal presence and he sits with me.  We don't say much, but we sure communicate a lot.  I talk to Vinnie too, but mainly I send him up my love, silently.  Words are helpful, but only up to a point.

And when I wrap myself in Vincent's blanket at night it's a silent prayer to God.  Hold my child.  Hold me.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the simplest prayers are the best prayers...He knows anyway!

I've definitely prayed the Help prayer too....and I pray that your Help comes.

Deanna said...

I pray for you often..... I know God hears your cries for help even if you don't feel a response.

Sometimes my prayers for help end up just being yelling Jesus' name. I've thought a few times that if people were around when I did it, they may think I was swearing. But sometimes when I'm overwhelmed or scared, that's all that comes out. ;)

Rebecca said...

hi friends... I've totally done the yelling Jesus' name prayer, it's definitely effective! ;)